Friday, April 8, 2011

2018 Day 3: The Executive and Judicial Branches

AIM: You will be able to identify and describe the roles of the Executive and Judicial Branches as listed in Articles II and III of the Constitution by analyzing various forms of media and completing a review assignment with at least 80% accuracy.

Today you will be working with various forms of media, which will require you to use headphones.  Even though they are in your ears, the sounds from the headphones can often spill into the rest of the room.  Keep the volume at respectable level, and enjoy the lesson!

Click "Read More" below to begin.

Task 1:  Watch the video on the executive branch below, and answer the questions in Part 1 of today's assignment.  If you're working hard, this should take no longer than 8-10 min.

Task 2: Watch the video on the judicial below, and answer the questions in Part 2 of today's assignment.  If you're working hard, this should take no longer than 8-10 min.

Task 3 (The 3 Branches Song):  Look below at this video that a couple of students made to show what they know about the judicial branch:

I know you can do better than that!  Use the information you've learned this week about the three branches of government to write your own rap/song.  Your rap/song can be as long or as short as you like, as long as you inform your listeners about the duties of the three branches.  

Write your rap/song in Part 3 of today's assignment.  Next we'll record our own versions to share!

Task 4: Start your homework that will be due next Tuesday.

Happy Weekend!

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