Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2017: Alexander the Great

AIM: SWBAT identify and analyze the three steps that Alexander the Great took to expand his empire by completing the assigned tasks with at least 80% accuracy.

Today you will be learning about the one man in history who we can honestly say came close to taking over the world.  Alexander the Great ruled an enormous kingdom using a strategy that would never be duplicated.

Task 1: You will read about the rise and fall of Alexander the Great's Empire.  Read sections 30.4, 30.5, 30.6, 30.7, 30.8, and 30.9. As you read these short sections, take notes in your graphic organizer.

Task 2: Complete this review activity.

Task 3:  You may begin your research for your ELA research paper.

Task 4: If you complete your research, for extra credit, go to the Los Angeles Times website.  Mr. Perry will give you the login and password information.  Select any article from any section of the paper, and complete this question review of the article you read.

Task 5:  If you complete all of these things, yo may begin your homework.

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