Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2017 Day 4: The Zhou Dynasty

AIM: SWBAT identify the events leading to the rise and fall of the Zhou Dynasty, explain and analyze the concepts of Mandate of Heaven and feudalism by completing the following assignments with at least 80% accuracy.

Today we will be beginning our discussion about life in Ancient China after the Shang Dynasty, starting the with Zhou Dynasty.  We will also look at two important concepts introduced in the Zhou Dynasty: Mandate of Heaven and feudalism.

Task 1:  Follow along with Mr. Perry's Presentation to complete your notes. 

Task 2:  You will have 5 minutes to complete the review of today's notes.  Go to the assignment by clicking here:  Zhou Dynasty Presentation Review

Task 4: Complete your visual summary handout on the feudal system that is due to Mr. Perry at the end of the period.

Task 5:  You may complete your work  from last class period, that will not be accepted after today.  If have have already finished this assignment, you may begin your Spring Break Social Studies homework.

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