Monday, May 9, 2011

2017: Life in Athens, Part 1

AIM:  SWBAT identify the structure of Athenian government and economy, the major elements of each, and how they affected the lives of Athenians by completing selected activities and the Exit Slip with at least 80% accuracy.

Quick Quiz: You will have 5 minutes to complete the quiz over our last lesson, The Rise of Democracy.  You may not use your notes.

Today you will begin learning about life in the Greek city of Athens.  Today we will be discussing the geography, government, and economy of Athens.

Task 1:  Follow along with Mr. Perry's presentation and complete your notes.  If you have trouble seeing the presentation from your seat, you can view it here.

Task 2: Use the interactive map to learn more about important places in the city of Athens.  Then answer the review questions here.  If your computer won't allow you to click on the site, use the Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece to answer the questions.

Task 3:  Complete your Exit Slip.

If you finish all of your tasks, you may begin your homework, or explore this site on life in Athens.

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