Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2018: People of the West: The Forty-Niners

AIM: SWBAT identify the motives for Forty-Niners to move west, and describe the major elements of their lives in the west by completing selected activities and the Exit Slip with at least 80% accuracy.

Today you will begin learning about the groups of people who inhabited the new land in the west.  You will do this taking a few notes, and then doing a couple of fun summary activities below.

Task 1: Follow along with Mr. Perry's presentation and complete your notes.  If you have trouble seeing, you can view the presentation here.

Task 2: You will be using Strip Generator to create a comic strip that summarizes what your learned today about the lives of Forty-Niners.  There is a brief sign-up process that Mr. Perry will guide you through.  You will follow these steps:

  1. Create your account for the site as Mr. Perry will instruct you.
  2. Make your strip summarizing today's lesson.  Make your strip as creative and informative as possible.  Look at my example strip below.  
  3. Once you are done, follow Mr. Perry's instructions to email your completed strip to

Task 3:  Complete the Exit Slip.

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